
Friday, August 3, 2007

A Prayer For Minneapolis

On August 1 2007 a 500 ft section of the Mississippi bridge collapsed bringing death and destruction to many passengers as they crossed the bridge during rush hour traffic. A press conference by Presidnt George W. Bush was aired on television and radio that lasted about 5 minutes. 1 minute was dedicated to stating that robust efforts would be made to rebuild the bridge and get life back to normal for the people in the affected Minneapolis area. The remainder of the telecast was used to tell the nation how the democratic party was planning on creating more taxes and how it would cost the tax payers billions more per year. He also ripped congress a new a#*hole for not moving on with spending bill legislation. I was listening to the Joe Pagliarulo talk show when the news break was made and had the same opinion about Bush's news conference; "What the hell was that about"! This goes out to anyone that might read this and who knows me, DO NOT INVITE HIM TO SPEAK AT MY FUNERAL. As for now, I am going to go to bed and say another prayer for the Minn. bridge victims and their families. Good Night.

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