
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Weighing the cost of war.

I have made it clear in prior post that I do not fully agree with the U.S. occupation in Iraq. With the recent video of O.B.Laden surfacing in the media, it is more clear that U.S. and coalition forces should have been placed through-out Afghanistan where that coward Bin Laden stays hidden in the mountainous terrain. In the past, reports of the Iraqi liberation have given hope that after Suddam Hussein was removed from power would give the Iraqi's security and bring democracy to the people. Present reports have showed that the state of the country is in greater despair. But it is not only the Iraqi's feeling the losses, the latest reports are showing that the war is costing Americans 12 billion dollars a month and with the latest casualty data now at 3740 of U.S.troops as of September 5, 2007, this is the ultimate price paid. For a complete break-down of the current situation in Iraq click and read the article from Deborah White. I am not completely against war. War has established this countries independence from the British with the Revolutionary war. The Civil war brought about the end of slavery. All other battles, with their relevancies, have had definate impact on the structuring of this country. But the war in Iraq has no true barring on what happened on U.S. soil on September 11, 2001. With the last video of O Bin Laden, with a full black beard that he apparently received from a bottle of Just For Men, speaking of the current market situation and the housing sector is evident that he is still alive and with his statement that al-qaida is reinvigorated is more proof that the war should be fought in Afghanistan. Fighting in Iraq has been bloody with a death toll already at 18 since September 1, 2007. Insurgence has increased since the deployment of 20,000 U.S. and all-the-while al-qaida has been rebuilding. There is no real improvement in the Iraqi government and there is no end in sight to the war. Pray for our troops, pray for their safety and pray that they will come home. War is ugly, ugly has a face and osama bin laden is that ugly face. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS.

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